Interactive Series w / Cath
People Skills TuneUps
■ Essential Skills for Early-Career ■ Reminders for Mid-Career
■ Refreshers of What Works for Senior-Career
Expected Outcomes
A series with transformation in mind.
TuneUp #1
Recall names
▪ Experiment with two simple ways to transform “I can't” to “I can remember names.”
Shows respect and connects us.
Communicate clearly
▪ Via a dominoes experiment, practice our ability to have our directions and explanations received, as intended!
TuneUp #2
Work Well with Others
▪ Tailor our style and approach
with different humans. Learn the
differences among us and how
to be effective in working with each.
Build rapport
▪ To increase rapport and put
people at ease, tune in and match their pace and priority. Build on
TuneUp #3
Calm Upset Humans
▪ Practice the #1 Calmer: behind-
the-words-empathic listening.
▪ Practice listening without interrupting (tricky) or offering solutions.
Encourage Cooperation
▪ To encourage others’ cooperation up front, learn to speak a language of cooperation. Reduce resistance to your suggestions.

Cath Kachur DeStefano
■ Speaker ■ Author ■ Diplomat
■ Expert in human relations
TuneUp #4
Take Care of You
▪ We are encouraged and responsible to take care of ourself in our 24/7 too-much-to-do world.
▪ Includes: Slow-the-zoom mindfulness experiment, a values clarification exercise and a next step.
■ Decades-long workshop leader
■ Consistently leaves humans
better off wherever she goes.
■ Committed to human interpersonal success.
■ A force for fun.
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Series based on this Customer Care Book for human relations success.
Life/Work Values Deck sort for fog-clearing clarity.